Heart attack, labor or Period cramps?

Guess which one is most painful

Joyce Muchiri
3 min readMar 14, 2022
Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

I am as surprised as you are. Doctors have concluded that period cramps are just as painful, if not worse than heart attacks. Now I’ll challenge you to a fist fight if you don’t agree that God is a woman. All jokes aside, women have been living with menstrual cramps since time in memorial and we take it with stride. We go to work, school, do our errands and all this time we are dealing with the pain. You do it for long enough and the mood swings are controlled too, not counting when we complain, we’re being dramatic…or better yet, we are not allowed to express our feelings dramatically lest we’re asked, are you on your period or something? So disrespectful! especially by asshole coworkers!

Check out the comment section on this topic, worth the read!

@genxhippie: Heart attack for days, every damn month.

@amarareyal: I be contemplating rippin that thing out so often

@stregaombra: When they told me they needed to take my uterus when I was 33 years old I fucking cried with Joy

@lylagar: I remember crying in pain Not wanting to go to school and my mother simply saying get up!!!! This is part of being a girl…Life is cruel 🥺

