What is fasting and why should you do it?

Joyce Muchiri
2 min readAug 20, 2022

The common definition of Fasting is intentionally giving up food and sometimes water for a given amount of time. While this is also true, the whole definition of fasting is giving up something that brings satisfaction for a given amount of time in order to regroup. Example is one might be addicted to playing computer games and decide to give it up for seven days in order to assert authority over It, better control their desire to play the game…be the master so to speak.

Fasting is a deliberate abstinence from physical gratification for a period of time to achieve a greater spiritual goal. It is intentionally denying the flesh in order to gain a response from the spirit. It means renouncing the natural in order to invoke the supernatural. When fasting, you say “no” to yourself and “yes” to the spiritual1

Fasting is the very essence of what to do when a crisis erupts in your life. It is a time you set aside when you need a breakthrough in your life on some spiritual level…Mastery of oneself. whether you are dealing with personal problems, circumstantial, relational, financial turmoil, health issues, or any other obstacle.

